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There are two types of the virus that causes mpox, clade I and clade II. Both types spread the same way and can be prevented using the same methods. Clade II mpox cases continue to spread at low levels in many countries around the world. There have also been several travel-associated clade I mpox cases reported in countries in other parts of Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America. 


Preventing Mpox 

What to know 

  • Talk to a healthcare provider to learn if the mpox vaccine is recommended for you. 
  • Avoid direct or skin-to-skin contact with people who have a rash that looks like mpox. 
  • Don't use objects or materials a person with mpox has used. 
  • Avoid wild animals in areas where mpox occurs regularly. 
  • Wash hands often and learn steps to lower your risk of mpox during sex or at social gatherings. 


Getting Tested For Mpox

What to know 

  • Testing for mpox is only recommended for people with a rash consistent with mpox. 
  • Only a healthcare provider can order an mpox test. 
  • To test for mpox, a healthcare provider will swab your rash. 
  • Your local health department can provide information on your community's testing options. 


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